The Superlatives of God

I John 3:1
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

One of the benefits of being in the teaching ministry is the tremendous growth it affords me while I study and sit in  the presence of the Lord, to allow Him to instruct me specially in the area of sound doctrine and understanding of His word. One of the things I have been meditating the last couple of weeks is the superlatives of God. Although I have always known that God is most powerful, and over and above anything I can ever imagine ...for some reason I never really stopped and thought of His love as one of His least NOT until I started studying the attributes of God for my Systematic Theology class. During the course of my study, this truth hit me. When God loves He always loves in the superlative because that is the only way He knows how to love, because He is perfection and He is infinite and so His love is limitless...As I thought about this,I was filled with awe with the beauty, magnificence and perfection of God. It is no wonder John writing about God's love inscribed "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" I am greatly encouraged that the verbs has lavished is in the present perfect tense because this means that God loved me at a definite time in the past and He continues to actively love me on a day to day basis. God's generosity is truly amazing! His love astounding! I am just soooooooooo glad I am God's and that because God's actions and decisions are based on His nature and not on me or my performance then I can rest in the knowledge of His love regardless of the circumstances I may find myself in. Not only can I depend on God's love upon me, but I can depend on His word that assures me that my God has lavished me with His love because I am His child. Thank you Lord. I love you!


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