I lifted my hands in worship of my King today!

Psalm 63:4
I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
       This Bible passage has never been so real to me than today. At the onset of the year I injured my left arm and was hardly able to raise it. It was a rotator cuff injury which I probably got from constant use of my left arm reaching for stuff over my head. Needless to say for months the movement of my left arm was very limited to just raising it forward. But today as I was singing "Can't stop praising His name" with Ron Kenoly via youtube, I raised both arms above my head! What I joy! What freedom worship brings! I lifted my hands today in worship to my King--a testimony to His healing power and to His awesome goodness and mercy upon me. 
      Thank you Lord for the ability to raise both my hands as I stand before your presence in worship. I acknowledge that you my Lord are the one who continue to train my hands for battle, so my arms can bend a bow of bronze (Psalm 18:34). May I continue to lift my hands before your presence not just in worship but in obedience to your commands which I delight, and love to feast upon (Psalm 119:48). Amen.


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