
Showing posts from 2019

Celebrating a decade of God’s faithfulness Welcoming 2020, the year of my reward and recompense

An overriding theme of the decade for me is His faithfulness. God ushered me into the decade by first calling me into a yearlong sabbatical, which little did I know would be the same year I would be married and move to the United States. Being married and living as an immigrant in a new land, became the perfect backdrop for me to experience God’s faithfulness in a new way. Allow me to share with you the highs and lows of the past decade and how through it all God held my hand and steadied me to grow in my faith and relationship with him 2009: Todd and I got married. This year was marked with miracles of provision for our wedding, my visa to move to the US in time for our wedding and for me and my husband as we were both negatively impacted by economic downturn in the country.  The same year God would perfectly provide for us and ensure we had roof over our head, food on our table and clothes over our back. It was the year God reminded me that He will always be the God who...